Source of

Angur Moong offers a plethora of health advantages.
It stands out among legumes for being the easiest to
digest, causing the least gas, and most importantly,
it has a "Satvik" effect on the mind.

347 KCAL

24 GM

16 GM

  • improves Immunity
  • Lowering Bad Cholesterol
  • Good For Liver
  • Controls Blood Sugar
  • Levels In Diabetes

Angur Kabuli Chana is a great option to add to your workout diet, which is loaded with protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals to promote overall health and aid weight management.

364 KCAL

20 GM

17 GM

Angur Desi/Kala Chana is an excellent source from which you can genuinely obtain protein and energy organically. Regular consumption of black chickpeas will increase your strength.

387 KCAL

22.4 GM

10.8 GM

and health

Angur Rajma is affordable, nutritious, and essential for a balanced diet. These kidney beans offer a generous amount of fiber and protein, which is comparable to that found in both vegetables and meat, making them excellent alternatives for both.

127 KCAL

8.7 GM

6.4 GM

source of

Soybeans stand out not just for their overall protein quantity, but also for the exceptional quality of soy protein, which surpasses that of other plant proteins and closely resembles animal protein. That's why soybeans are often considered a meat substitute for vegetari- ans and vegans. They also have various nine essential amino acids your body needs to stay healthy.

446 KCAL

18.2 GM

6 GM

Peas are a
weapon in the
war against

At Angur, we've got two amazing Pea varieties for you: Angur Green Peas and Angur Yellow Peas, straight from the best crops. These peas, also known as smooth peas or field peas, pack a punch of health benefits. They're like tiny nutrient powerhouses!


5.42 GM

5.7 GM

Peas are like nutritional superheroes fighting against malnutrition! These little green gems have been culi- nary stars for thousands of years, thanks to their awe- some blend of starch, protein, and essential nutrients. They're not just healthy; they're also super versatile and make your diet happy.

341 KCAL

25 GM

26 GM

health with
whole urad

Angur Whole Urad (black gram), the superstar among beans! It's not just any bean-it's packed with health bene- fits like boosting energy, keeping your heart happy, easing pain, and making your immune system strong. Plus, it's a winter superhero for vegetarians needing protein. This bean stands out by having more than 10 times the phosphorous of other beans, and thespecial protein it has is like a workout for your muscles!

341 KCAL

25.21 GM

18.3 GM

power house

Chori, also known as chawli, lobia, cowpea, or black-eyed peas, is among the unsung heroes of the pulse family. Not only are they rich in protein and fiber, but they also serve as a abundant source of vita- mins and minerals, including folate (vitamin B9), thiamine (vitamin B1), and vitamin A. Did you know that thyroid hormones play a crucial role in regulating various bodily functions? When there's an imbal- ance, individuals may experience symptoms like fatigue, hair loss, weight gain, mood swings, and constipation. By consistently incorpo- rating these beans into your diet, along with other measures, you can support thyroid health, as the zinc in these beans helps balance hor- mones.

There are two types of lobia: red lobia and white lobia. At Angur Pulses, we provide both premium quality red chori and white chori to ensure you have access to the best of both worlds.

329 KCAL

20 GM

13 GM


Angur Masoor Whole is packed with protein, fibre, vitamins, and minerals, and offers a host of health benefits. This is considered to be a popular choice among all vegetarians and health-conscious individuals for its role in promoting heart health, aiding digestion, and providing a sustained energy boost. It not only brings a smile to our faces but also nourishes our bodies, making it a win-win combination.

343 KCAL

25 GM

10 GM

The panacea
for your health
and lifestyle

This mix, including Moth, Moong, Masoor, and White Chori, is perfect for your sprout-based breakfast or a healthy sprout curry. Angur Mix Kathol is a convenient pack that helps meet your daily nutritional needs.

352 KCAL

24.4 GM

10.7 GM

buttery beans

Val beans, also known as field beans, are a true powerhouse of protein and fiber. When you combine these two nutrients. you'll experience longer-lasting satisfaction, making it easier to control your appetite and avoid unwanted weight gain. Ad- ditionally, the fiber in val beans is great for promoting healthy digestion and maintaining overall digestive well-being.

347 KCAL

25 GM

7.4 GM

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Need some inspiration?

Chori White

Chori White



Green Peas

Green Peas



Kabuli Chana

Kabuli Chana



Angur Masoor Whole

Angur Masoor Whole



Angur Moong Whole

Angur Moong Whole



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